Jill Bishopp
All things are as they are meant to be.
Looking to enhance my meditation experience I made a pyramid from copper piping. Hearing of this my then current boss, thinking ‘copper’ not meditation gave me a stack of old copper rainwater goods… thank you Jared. Well I love a challenge, I love learning new skills, I love recycling and I…
Love Copper
Welcome to my journey.
Why Copper?
Copper is an element and a mineral, it is 100 percent recyclable metal and is an essential element for human nutrition. Copper can be used to stabilise and to balance the flow of blood within your body and help to increase circulatory functions when necessary. It can be used to cleanse wounds and to fight bacterial infection and can be worn in a bracelet form to help people with arthritis, treatments of skin diseases and wounds. This metal promotes self-healing, optimism, happiness, and independence. Copper conducts spiritual energy between individuals, and allows for healing and repairing of the body by soul stimulation and free flowing emotions.
This metal has been used medicinally for thousands of years in various amounts by ancient cultures. It was used in rituals for its unique energetic properties and it aids blood circulation to increase your overall physical vibrations, and urges the opening of blocked energy by dispersing negative energy while attracting a positive change.
Bottom line… its a metal with so many amazing properties everyone should love copper.
Dennis Pately
Etiam convallis elementum sapien, a aliquam turpis aliquam vitae. Praesent sollicitudin felis vel mi facilisis posuere ultrices facilisis justo.
Mary Rivera
Etiam convallis elementum sapien, a aliquam turpis aliquam vitae. Praesent sollicitudin felis vel mi facilisis posuere ultrices facilisis justo.
Dennis Pately
Etiam convallis elementum sapien, a aliquam turpis aliquam vitae. Praesent sollicitudin felis vel mi facilisis posuere ultrices facilisis justo.